Each one of us has the potential to impact a person, a cause, a community.

Community Impact

Community Care

Caring for our community means being a resource during challenging times. We are proud to respond to Emergency Needs & Disaster Relief and initiatives around Providing Stability, that address Health & Hunger issues, provide care for Animals & the Environment, and assist with Placemaking through housing, transportation, and economic support.

Community Care

Caring for our community means being a resource during challenging times. We are proud to respond to Emergency Needs & Disaster Relief and initiatives around Providing Stability, that address Health & Hunger issues, provide care for Animals & the Environment, and assist with Placemaking through housing, transportation, and economic support.

Empowerment & Success

A fulfilling life comes from support, encouragement, wisdom, and experience that guide us to our dreams. We invest in Literacy Support, Student Enrichment, Scholarships & Mentoring, Career Development & Advancement, and opportunities to create Lifelong Connections so that everyone can be empowered to realize their potential.

Empowerment & Success

A fulfilling life comes from support, encouragement, wisdom, and experience that guide us to our dreams. We invest in Literacy Support, Student Enrichment, Scholarships & Mentoring, Career Development & Advancement, and opportunities to create Lifelong Connections so that everyone can be empowered to realize their potential.

Belonging & Culture

To have a place or group where you belong inspires passion and creativity. By supporting organizations whose work Bridge Generations and Unites the Community around Cultural Development & the Arts, we are here to help build the community we all want to live in.

Belonging & Culture

To have a place or group where you belong inspires passion and creativity. By supporting organizations whose work Bridge Generations and Unites the Community around Cultural Development & the Arts, we are here to help build the community we all want to live in.

In the Spotlight

July 1, 2024

Help for a Rainy Day

With the official start of summer, headlines abound with warnings of an especially active hurricane season, leaving many in our community bracing for uncertainty in the coming months. We ent…


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