Upcoming Events

Board Engagement & Recruitment Community Mixer

Nonprofit Workshops & Training

  • Thursday , September 21 , 2023 at 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
  • The Ringling Grillroom, 5401 Bay Shore Road McKay Visitor's Pavilion, Sarasota, FL 34243
Board Engagement & Recruitment Community Mixer

Great boards of directors don’t just happen; they require a healthy dose of care, thought, intention, and planning. At the most fundamental level, those who serve on a nonprofit’s board of directors influence the organization's culture, functionality, and impact. Join Christie Nolan, President & CEO of Mission Matters Consulting & Coaching Group for a presentation and moderated panel discussion on promising practices in board member recruitment, selection, and engagement. There will be opportunities for individuals seeking board and committee volunteer service to connect with local nonprofit agencies.