Hermitage Artist Retreat receives $50,000 Strategic Partnership Grant

Category: BELONGING AND CULTURE: Cultural Development & the Arts, Grants, Nonprofits, Strategic Partnership Grants,

The Community Foundation of Sarasota County has awarded the Hermitage Artist Retreat a $50,000 Strategic Partnership Grant to support its nationally renowned artist residency program.

For the fifth consecutive season, the Foundation will also serve as Grand Sponsor of the Hermitage Greenfield Prize Dinner and Celebration, on April 10.

The Hermitage Greenfield Prize is a groundbreaking partnership between the Hermitage Artist Retreat and the Greenfield Foundation.

This prestigious national prize seeks to bring into the world works of art that will have a significant impact on the broad as well as the artistic landscape. 2022 will mark the 14th year of this annual jury-selected award.

Read the full story in the Venice Gondolier